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  • Writer's pictureColleen Hofer - Office Manager

Who's Watching Your Home For You When You're Not Here?

Let me start by saying THANK YOU to our current clients for trusting us to watch out for your homes/property this winter. It's been a doozy weather-wise! We've Gale Warning on average twice a week since the beginning of December. It makes wave watching fun - at safe distance - but those pounding winds and the rains take a toll on homes. We clean our gutters out on our home every few days due to debris. I do hope that those of you in Neskowin area that are not part of the OCHW family have alternate means of care for you homes. Leaving properties sit unattended, does not bode well down the road.

I pulled some interesting stats from USA Census for Neskowin. I knew there were quite a number of vacant homes, but I was shocked to see the actual stats.... out of 881 total housing units, a whopping 617 are VACANT!!! Yikes!

Again I ask.....Who's watching your home when your not here? Your home/property is your investment.

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